Beauty at your reach

Beauty is on the inside, you just need to know how to utilise its potential. We're here to change the world around you. We create our furniture by listening to our customers’ needs, at the same time drawing inspiration from the latest global trends. With a variety of designs on offer we want to allow our customers to create furniture arrangements according to their individual needs.


Our extensive experience and undying need to create beautiful and functional furniture means that products with the Szynaka Meble logo stand out from other solutions available on the market. We value the highest quality, which is why we only use the best, carefully chosen materials in our production process. Our furniture is made from the best wood because we always want to respect nature in our everyday life. Surround yourself with beauty every day. With our furniture, it is within your reach.


Professional team

Even though instead of a small team, Grupa Meblowa Szynaka currently employs nearly 3500 members of staff, the owners still pay a lot of attention to interpersonal relations at the company. The motto “always close to people” is apparent in all aspects of Szynaka Meble’s activity and shows how much our customers’ and staff’s satisfaction means to us.

Our staff are continuously raising their qualifications, which means that products with our brand's logo are modern, high-quality and durable. For the owners, knowledge, energy and enthusiasm are the foundations for the company’s international success


Made to inspire

The company’s vision reflects our dedication and will to encourage communities all over the world to engage in interior design by developing new technologies, designing innovative products and creating creative solutions. Every day we want to inspire others to create a beautiful world around them. By combining extensive experience, professionalism, passion and innovation, Szynaka Meble makes unique furniture which emphasises the individual style of your home. Our wide product assortment is created on the basis of global design trends and technological innovations.

Furniture recognised on all continents

Furniture from the Szynaka-Meble brand can be found on all continents, in over 70 countries. All of our products have certificates of conformity, approvals and other certificates required by customers and international laws. Our export partners are, among others, entrepreneurs from Germany, France, Great Britain, US, Turkey, Japan and South Korea.
